Sequim Rare Plants, Sequim, WA 98382

Arisaema taiwanense

Arisaema taiwanenseArisaema taiwanense

•  Click here to visit our Main Plant List page for current availability of this plant
•  common name: jack-in-the-pulpit
•  flowering season: mid spring to early summer
•  height: 30 - 36 inches
•  Light requirements: filtered light, or morning sun and afternoon shade
•  Soil requirements: average to rich and well drained
•  Water requirments: average water requirements, weekly deep watering is recommended to keep it from going dormant before summer's end
•  Growth habit: a slowly expanding colony
•  How to propagate: divide in mid spring
•  Leaf type: leaves divided into three large leaflets
•  Ways to use it: grows well with other flowering perennials in the garden; in time its grows into a large group
•  Special characteristics: dark red, almost black, hooded flowers have a long, thin tail trailing down off the front of the flower
•  Other points of interests: one of the easiest of jack-in-the-pulpits to grow

Native to semi-tropical Taiwan, this unusual plant reaches 30 to 36 inches in height and is a member of the aroid family, Araceae. Its flowers open in mid spring before the leaves unfurl. Unfurl is s good word to use because the leaves are large and take some time to fully open. A leaf has as many as a dozen long pointed leaflets radiating from a centerpoint where they all attach to the leafstem. It is a dramatic event to watch this flower open over several days. The flower is a very dark purple-black hood with a long extended tip emerging from the front, enclosing within a white nobbin called a spadix. When pollinated the spadix turns later in summer into a larger head of red fruit, so heavy that it tips to the ground. It survives outdoors in USDA Zones 6b to 9a.


Sequim Rare Plants, 500 N. Sequim Ave., Sequim, WA 98382 USA  - -  (360) 775-1737